
Working to bring down the cost of living 

Two years ago, I ran for Congress pledging to work in a bipartisan fashion to reduce the $34 trillion national debt and out-of-control spending that harms our economy, makes inflation worse, and jeopardizes our future. 

As your Representative, I worked to enact the Bi-Partisan Fiscal Responsibility Act, limiting spending and saving taxpayers $2.1 trillion by cutting waste, fraud, and abuse while fully protecting Social Security, Medicare, and support for our veterans.  

I voted for the "Lower Energy Costs Act", bipartisan legislation to make America energy independent and lower fuel costs and worked across party lines to ease the dual burdens of high taxes and soaring inflation, helping to pass the bipartisan “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024.” Key provisions included:

Provide tax relief for victims of recent wildfires and storms and  corrects an injustice for victims who were taxed on the settlements that they had received after the PG&E fires.

Enhance the Child Tax Credit and indexes it to inflation, providing support to lower income families dealing with inflation.

Enacts business tax reforms to stimulate economic growth and job creation and enhance the competitiveness of US companies in world markets.

Addresses the shortage of affordable housing by increasing and extending the Housing Tax Credit.

Help me end the Pelosi Speakership.